Is Membership Important?
Often people who have decided to follow Jesus Christ want to express their commitment to their church publicly. In doing this, they’re saying that they wish to identify with the church’s vision and values and want to walk with us as we seek God together. We call this “membership”.
Membership at Hither Green Baptist Church is more than just signing up to be on the mailing list and voting at members meetings. It is about commitment to:
- Christ – To grow in my knowledge, love and obedience to the Lord Jesus.
- Church – To use my gifts to encourage, grow and serve with and for other Christians.
- Community – To practically share the love of Christ with those who don’t yet know Him. We seek to be a community that is open and accessible to all.
Expectations of Membership:
Members are expected to:
- Live a life in word and deed that speaks of their love and obedience to Christ.
- Pray regularly for the church and its leadership.
- Contribute to the church a portion of their time, treasures and talents.
- Seek to serve more than to be served.
- Value, respect and honour others of your church family.
The Membership Process
- Attend our membership class.
- Fill out and submit membership application.
- Schedule a membership interview.
- Be recommended to the church meeting.
- Welcomed into fellowship.
For more information on church membership, please contact the church office on 020 8852 3997 or email us at