“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
“…in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to us.” Romans 12:5-6
Part of our commitment as Christians is to serve others in the body of Christ. We are always looking for people to use the gifts that God has given them in an appropriate way – the right people, in the right places, for the right reasons!
Whether you have a few hours a week or a few hours a month, there are endless opportunities to serve God within Hither Green Baptist Church, the community and the world. You don’t need to be a member at HGBC to volunteer. We’re here to help you and would be glad to meet with you to help find the best “fit” for you.
Please pray that God will guide you into the right area of service. Everyone’s situation is different but we believe when we sacrificially offer our time and gifting to God, He can use it for the building up of the church and extension of His kingdom.
Previous experience can be helpful but it is often not necessary. All that is needed is a willingness to serve.
Examples of areas of service in our church are:
- Worship Team: Musicians, singing (solo/duets etc) .
- Hospitality Team: Providing refreshments for church events.
- Technical Team: P.A., Video Projection, PowerPoint.
- Youth and Children’s Ministry: Leaders and assistants across all age groups (0-18’s).
- Life Groups: Leading, hosting.
- Administration Team: Event organisation, bookings, minutes, systems.
- Fabric Team: Housekeeping team, maintenance, development.
- Flower Team: Organising flowers for the church.
- Pastoral Team: Caring for people, listening & supporting.
- World Mission Team: Publicity, missionary liaison, event planning, policy.
- Prayer Ministry Team: Being available to pray with people after Sunday services and other events.
- Finance Team: Book-keeping, accounting, gift-aid, budgeting.
- Evangelism Team: Open air teams, door to door, etc.
- Welcome / Stewardship Team: Welcoming visitors, being safety conscious.
- Design Team: Website, publications, etc.